[from the Thelmese dictionary] Snorgle (not to be confused with “snorkel”) is a unique phenomenon which occurs when a snore combines with a gurgle to produce a particularly disruptive sound capable of keeping bedmates awake for hours due to its inconsistency of volume and cadence. Along similar lines, a snork is a sort of abbreviated snore which occurs just as the would-be snorer’s head drops to his/her chest, most often when the drowser is in sitting position. Whereas snoring is generally an ongoing smooth, even sound, both snorgling and snorking are characterized by erratic and startling noises. Snotsicle is included with the other two words simply due to its alliterative similarity (the three words all beginning with “sno”) as well as its connection to noses. Snotsicle refers a phenomenon which occurs when a careless nose-blower goes out into freezing temperatures and forms a structure akin to a stalactite in a nostril. And…when the spouse of someone (who shall remain nameless) points out the formation of a snotsicle on his/her mate, one can safely bet that snorgling will be brought to the attention of the public even if the snotsicler is also a snorker!! Just sayin’…

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