Psilent — [adjective; Thelmese] word to describe the lack of sound made by the first letter of the words psychiatrist, psychologist, pshaw, psalm, psychotropic, pseudoscience, pseudonym, psychokinetic, psyllium, psaltery, psoriasis, and psst…
The world in Thelmese: a blog about observations, personal experiences, eccentricities, eclecticities, uncommon common sense, arts, theatre, poems, rocks, humor, family, society, motorcycles, monkeys, and what have you!
Psilent — [adjective; Thelmese] word to describe the lack of sound made by the first letter of the words psychiatrist, psychologist, pshaw, psalm, psychotropic, pseudoscience, pseudonym, psychokinetic, psyllium, psaltery, psoriasis, and psst…
Psometimes things are psimply psilly…