Initially, I was going to procrastinate in posting a Word of the Day with the plan of doing it tomorrow. But I found this in Wikipedia: “Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences. It is a common human experience involving delay in everyday chores or even putting off salient tasks such as attending an appointment, submitting a job report or academic assignment, or broaching a stressful issue with a partner. Although typically perceived as a negative trait due to its hindering effect on one’s productivity often associated with depression, low self-esteem, guilt and inadequacy; it can also be considered a wise response to certain demands that could present risky or negative outcomes or require waiting for new information to arrive.” So…now I am feeling the weight of the implications of “avoidance”, “negative consequences”, “depression”, and “low self-esteem”. Wow!! Taking this information into consideration, I have decided to post the above. Tomorrow’s word may need to be “guilt”. But, since I honorably credited Wikepedia for their disheartening definition, at least it won’t have to be “plagiarism”. Whew!! Now I can sleep with a clear conscience (or perhaps a tad of guilt). Either way….sleep beckons.

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