According to, “Mercury Retrograde is a transit in which the planet Mercury slows to a point that it appears to move backwards. All planets in the Universe are in motion, all of the time — some moving forward at a normal speed, and some moving slowly, giving them the impression of backwards (or retrograde) movement. Planets moving forward are considered ‘Direct’.”
Mercury Retrograde is traditionally associated with communication difficulties, and  mechanical malfunctions are often attributed to this event. People are advised to exercise caution (and consider delays) in regard to making major decisions during this period of time.
For 2020, Mercury Retrograde will occur February 17 to March 10; June 18 to July 12; and October 14 to November 3.
When my husband first told me about this phenomenon many, many years ago, I scoffed. Blatantly. However, one evening during which, within the hour that the planet was making “its turn” from direct to retrograde, I experienced, three weird traffic accidents, a traffic near-miss as a car darted out almost into mine, and several communication mishaps, then learned the following day from coworkers (at a mental health agency, by the way) that two copiers had broken down, an adolescent had attempted self-harm on the way to a worker’s car…which, interestingly, also broke down. That conglomeration of occurrences made me….well, a believer!
Remember — Mercury is retrograde until March 10th. Take care, folks!!

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