Mo’, with an apostrophe, can be short for “more”. It also means a short period of time (I think like a moment). And it is the abbreviation for Missouri, the “show me” state. (My human son used to refer to Missouri as “Misery” because he hated driving through it on the way to the southwest when travelling the motorcycle racing circuit.) And, mo’ importantly, Mo was the name of my third child (the second monkey kid; you can read about him in the blog category on Monkeys, Motorcycles, Mischief, and My Life). Mo was a nickname for Mojam (pronounced moyum), the Hungarian word for monkey.  Bet you didn’t know that!!

Mo can be part of Mojo (similar to juju), and your Mojo can be working!  You can stretch out mo as in moment and turn it into momentum and really get your Mojo working strong.

And momentum is often a good thing as it propels us ahead toward our goals (although it can be a bad thing if we are trying to avoid, say, a cliff).  Momentous is impressive when we really achieve an important goal.  Mo comprises half of moto (as in motocross…which my son didn’t care for due to its affinity for mud) and two-thirds of Mom…which is almost always a really good thing.

But it’s late tonight, so no mo’ about mo.

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