I am at a loss for today’s word. Has anyone found a word? Maybe it’s hiding — glossed over (what some folks do to spiffy up the truth, which happens a lot lately). Or in blossoms (those hints of spring we long to see – hang on Punxsutawney Phil and Buckeye Chuck; we’re comin’ for ya!) Maybe it wriggled into c’lossus, like Colossus of Rhodes (reference “rhoda”, word of the day awhile back).

Even if it’s sometimes hard to find the right words to express it, we all have experienced a loss at one time or another. We may have lost a pet or a parent or a friend or an election. Loss is loss, no matter what the specific loss. And it hurts. Even loss of time is painful. We look into the mirror one day, and that child is gone. And loss of self, loss of integrity, loss of principle — all things to grieve, especially in current times.

But, though we mourn our losses, what can we find to fill the void? What is an alternative word? Hope? Resilience? Discovery? Invention? Love?

There is so much that is possible. What’s your word?

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