Antidisestablishmentarianism is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as “opposition to the belief that there should not be an official relationship between a country’s government and its national Church”. Interestingly, it seems to include double double negatives, or maybe just one double negative. At any rate, the word essentially seems to mean an objection to the separation of church and state, which would, then, be in support of nonsecular government such as in traditional Islamic law or in the historic Church of England.
Antidisestablishmentarianism was once considered to be the longest word found in the dictionary; however, according to Wikipedia, “The longest word found in a major dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, but this is a technical term that was coined specifically to be the longest word. Sep 15 2019”.
So…today we have learned two things: the definition of the word AND that is no longer the longest word. As for the new longest word…that is for another day!

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