Friend Marla posted this version of The Glass, and I have to share!!

Along with summing up recent history (the year 2020), this triggered a couple of other thoughts to share.

I have always believed the glass is all the way full, but some idiot is going to knock it off the table!!

And…a precious story of a little guy who was in a foster home during my days with child protective services. He was about 3 years old at the time and so, so needy. The agency placed him in a wonderful foster home with loving parents and older foster sibs. One day when I did a home visit, the foster mom took me aside and told me that one of her teenage daughters had to submit a urine sample for a physical. They were to refrigerate it and so put it in a styrofoam cup, ready for transport. When they went to retrieve it, the cup was missing. Eventually they found it, discarded on the floor with rather incriminating teethmarks in it. The mom had shown the empty cup to the little boy and asked him if he drank the contents. He slowly nodded his head. “Did it taste good?” she had asked. He slowly shook his head. “But you drank it, anyway?” she asked. He slowly nodded his head.

So…take a moment and think about children who are victims of neglect. Their behavior may be a little different, and that’s okay. This little fellow just knew to take advantage of an opportunity to quench his thirst.

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