Many of us have heard the term “Mickey Mouse” used as a verb to describe often inexpensive, sometimes innovative ways to solve problems. Well, I Minnie Mouse. Not being particularly talented in dealing with “thing” situations (i.e. if it does not involved a pen, pencil, or words, I probably can’t do it), I have to resort to unusual measures to “”make do” when there is no one around to give things the proper attention. Cases in point: using a rubber band to fasten jeans that really need the waistband let out; using duct tape to replace a broken zipper on racing leathers; substituting tapioca for rice to take the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” (chapter in another story…); trying to glue things with gum or nail polish; burying a dog in an abandoned outhouse hole due to lack of shovel (don’t ask!); …you get the picture.

Soooo…envision winter time years ago, piles of snow, treacherous ice, a woman fearful of falling while trying to get to her vehicle which is parked on a slanted driveway  on the opposite side of the house from the door and requires a walk in the seldom-plowed road to access.  No available salt or ice melt.  Minnie Mouse to the rescue!

Hmmmm…traction needed.  Sand provides traction.  No sand available.  What might be a suitable sand substitute?  Hmmmm…kitty litter!!! Yes!!! Brilliant – and available!!!  So I forged a trail of the gritty stuff to and surrounding the car.  Problem solved.  I could trot happily to and from the vehicle without fear.  Until the next morning.  When I discovered just how many cats lived in the neighborhood.  Lots of cats.  Cats that would usually use the entirety of the great outdoors to relieve themselves.  Apparently they assumed that I had created their own personal outhouse, and they took full advantage.  Apparently they notified all their friends of the wondrous facility.  My innovative Minnie Mouse solution litter-ally went awry.

(Sigh…)  Such is the life of a monkey mom (yet another story).

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