With Halloween rapidly approaching, my thoughts wander (as oft they do, rather untethered!) to superstition regarding bad luck. First of all, how does one even determine what constitutes “bad luck”? As a child (and a bit of a klutz), I broke enough mirrors that, if each was multiplied by the designated “7 years of bad luck”, I was doomed for life. And what if a person breaks a mirror while walking under a ladder with a black cat crossing his/her path? Does that person get exponential bad luck? Or can it be served concurrently?

And, in light of the season, I have to address the issue of black cats, those beautiful creatures who are attributed with bringing bad luck. In defense of the poor cats, do people realize that, since we live on a globe, if we stand in one spot and rotate our body 360 degrees, every black cat on the planet has just crossed our paths? So they are either responsible for all bad luck (a bit unfair, methinks!) or no bad luck. I prefer to think that bad luck is rather random….or, just maybe, that “bad luck” is the result of bad choices…????

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