What is ever actually “known”? Can two people standing side by side share the exact same experience?

While absolutes may work for a checkbox digital world, humanity is so much more complex. Consider the age-old dilemmas: good vs evil; right vs wrong; “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”; “zero tolerance”… Where we once approached situations from the perspective of a continuum that included choices, extenuating circumstances, relative good, relative harm, and unique blends of characteristics and possibilities, we now seem to be faced so often with the limitations of an array of checkboxes, finite in nature, unyielding, with no opportunity to adapt a response according to the surrounding variables. Is the universe somehow preparing us for the governance by Artificial Intelligence? The digitalization of today’s world is unsettling. People are being bred to accept the list of checkbox options provided. And who gets to supply that list? Whose agenda does it serve? What has happened to the freedom to choose, to explore, to hypothesize, to create? How do we ever expand our horizons? Break free of our limits and shackles?

Instead of looking for the answers, we need to be asking the questions, playing with nuance, creating new recipes for life. Growing! Thriving!

Join me in not joining me! Disagree! Argue! Bring your passion! Find yourself! Be you own list! Perhaps we will find some commonality, perhaps not. Embrace our overlaps, but celebrate our separateness!

The universe is too vast to be stuck in a small corner. Live! Love! Be!

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