The hour rapidly approaches wherein we will snuggle in our beds and pretend we will actually get that extra hour somehow. (Daylight Savings Time or not, we will still have the exact amount of daylight tomorrow that we did today. That is just how it works!)
Daylight Savings Time was implemented in the U.S. back in 1966. People have since complained about how it gets dark so early in the evening during winter. But I remember as a child, before the big change, that nighttime was magical. Streetlights and store lights would glitter, houses would glow with the warmth of electric lights streaming from the windows. And the best part of all was that, no matter what the weather, it was never dreary in the evening after dark. It was just night! The bleak gray of winter days would be replaced by the gaiety of those lights. And the moon would cast a romantic spell over snow that may have appeared gray and dingy in daylight.
How I miss that childhood wonderment which so simply provided beauty!

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