Have these trends not bothered anyone else?
Reliance on Artificial Intelligence? The fact that Siri, Alexa, computers, and cell phones control our lives? (We think they are doing us a favor! Hah! Are they grooming us for a takeover? Think “2001: A Space Oddysey” and HAL.)
The fact that grocery stores and restaurants (even McDs) have, for awhile now — PRE-virus — been marketing curbside pickup and phone-ahead grocery shopping? Why would this suddenly become a “thing”? And, gosh!! Now we seem to need it!!
Genetically modified seed (GMO), seed that (for the ostensible purpose of food safe from varmints, thus more productive) cannot reproduce itself like seed in nature is programmed to do? So, if the GMO seed is used up, how does new food grow? (I may need to do more research on this, but….)
Encouragement for people to work from home? This one has been in the works for a couple of decades now. But, lo and behold, we have been largely set up to be able to do that. “The cloud” lets us work from anywhere.
Home schooling? Also in the works for quite awhile. (Started off with “distance learning”.) Handy now, eh?
Attempts to get people to rely on mass transportation? Energy issues, crowding issues, etc. But now the people who rely on mass transportation — guess what?! — cannot use it for fear of contagion.
Jobs being divided up by countries? The far east gets to manufacture; the U.S. has the “service” jobs. Hmmmm…..
Discouragement of organized religion? Why? Why not allow people to share their faith in groups?
Reliance on computers for records? What happens if the computers go down? Or if someone takes total control of them?
Reliance on artificial “currency”? Again, if you cannot hold it in your hand, how can you prove you actually have it?
The agenda to remove good people’s ways to protect/defend themselves? Who does that benefit?
Availability of and reliance on pharmaceuticals? Again, who does this benefit?
Things to fear outside the home? Crime, riots, disasters, illnesses…..
Why? Who? To what end?