Timber — what one utters loudly at the moment one discovers that the reason the second foot is not going all the way into its pantleg is because the first foot (already in its pantleg) is standing on the cuff of the second pantleg. Timberrrrrrrrrrrrr………!
Today’s Word…middleist
Middleist — [noun, Thelmese] Not a “leftist” or a “rightist”
I Am the Middleist…
Middleist [noun, Thelmese] — not a leftist or a rightist. “Centrist” sounds too exact, too specific, too limiting. Just a middleist — caught in between, hovering in what currently seems to be a no-man’s land, drowning in (un)common sense, yet neither side will reach out a hand.
Some things seem like basic human principles: respect life (i.e. don’t kill anyone and treat others with kindness); respect people and their property; respect people’s choices..so long as they don’t impinge on the rights of others; respect people’s differences (we are not all clones of some “perfect” construct; rather, we are each unique and perfectly individual selves); respect people’s right to disagree; respect people’s abilities to contribute to overall society; respect competition as it encourages us to strive to be our best selves; respect people’s strengths (again, we are not all the same); share when able; respect one another as contributing citizens of the world and expect one another to indeed contribute to the world; reward productivity (for without it, nothing will be produced and we are all doomed); care for those who are truly less able…but let them share in the ways that they are able; protect one another from misfortune and evil; admire winning as an expression of skills but not as an exertion of power; live, let live, prosper; share and encourage prosperity.
Somewhere, in between the extremes of insanity, the “rightist” and “leftist”, there is the middleist. I am the middleist. Proudly, unapologetically.
Today’s Word…curmudgeon
[noun; Thelmese interpretation] Cur (nasty dog) – mud (yucky dirt) – geon (form such as a brick)
See also: “What is the origin of the word ‘curmudgeon’? A curmudgeon is cantankerous, surly and mean. The origin of the word curmudgeon is up for debate. One theory is that it is derived from the French term cœur méchant, meaning bad-hearted. This theory is not widely accepted. Another possible origin is the word cornmudgin, meaning someone who hoards grain.
Reference: grammarist.com/usage/curmudgeon/”
Kinda the same thing, huh?
Today’s Word…crowbar
Perhaps a hangout for the Ravens?
Today’s Word…Fargo
Fargo — How one feels about the distance to get to North Dakota, especially in winter.
Today’s Word…chirpees
Chirpees — [noun] a canarial disease for which there is no tweetment.
Today’s Word…whimsy
Whimsy, per dictionary.com, can be defined as “an odd or fanciful notion”. Whimsy, in Thelmese, could be defined as “a nod or fancy-full emotion”. In either case, whimsy provides a bit of fun and fluff in a world that can often be far too serious. The Word of the Day can be informative, educational, just plain whimsy, or a combination thereof. (And, of course, there’s the old joke about the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight always being just “a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.”…..)
Today’s Word…yew
Yew — [noun] a type of evergreen tree or shrub; not to be confused with ewe [female sheep] or you [pronoun] the one or ones being addressed or yoo (substitute for you) as in yoohoo. Yoohoo, you who? You ewe? Yew ewe? Whew!!
Today’s Word…maudlin
Maud, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is “a gray and black plaid worn in southern Scotland”. Lin, per dictionary.com, means [noun, Chiefly Scot]. “a waterfall or torrent of rushing water in a river or stream. a pool of water, especially at the foot of a waterfall. a steep ravine or precipice”. Sooo…together, a dark plaid torrent of water. Perhaps akin to a wet blanket? Maudlin, according to the free Dictionary, means “effusively sad or full of self-pity”. Also, perhaps akin to a wet blanket. A bit of a downer, eh? Foot of the waterfall and all….