Being the protective mom that she was, my mother tried to shield me from the world’s base realities. (Often it worked; sometimes it backfired into embarrassment — mine!)
First of all, she had a penchant for euphemisms (which I would eventually figure out in some sort of “duh…” moment). For example, “witch with a capital B” and “big shot dot-the-O”.   Those I figured out pretty quickly. “Adubblezee” took me a bit longer (like years; I was a pretty naive kid). Referring to one’s bottom, the word seemed to be just a synonym…until eventually the realization hit: A double Z. Hmmmm….
One that came back to haunt me when I started school was another posterior euphemism — “butty butt butt”. (Where these came from, I don’t know; one of my aunts used the same term. I just went with it.)  So in school, when the teacher wanted us get in line with a “buddy”, I was really perplexed! And pretty red in the face when it was explained to me. (My mom also coined the word “doogee”, but I will not define it for you at this time.)

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