Middleist [noun, Thelmese] — not a leftist or a rightist.   “Centrist” sounds too exact, too specific, too limiting.  Just a middleist — caught in between, hovering in what currently seems to be a no-man’s land, drowning in (un)common sense, yet neither side will reach out a hand.

Some things seem like basic human principles:  respect life (i.e. don’t kill anyone and treat others with kindness); respect people and their property; respect people’s choices..so long as they don’t impinge on the rights of others; respect people’s differences (we are not all clones of some “perfect” construct; rather, we are each unique and perfectly individual selves);  respect people’s right to disagree; respect people’s abilities to contribute to overall society; respect competition as it encourages us to strive to be our best selves; respect people’s strengths (again, we are not all the same); share when able; respect one another as contributing citizens of the world and expect one another to indeed contribute to the world; reward productivity (for without it, nothing will be produced and we are all doomed); care for those who are truly less able…but let them share in the ways that they are able; protect one another from misfortune and evil; admire winning as an expression of skills but not as an exertion of power;  live, let live, prosper; share and encourage prosperity.

Somewhere, in between the extremes of insanity, the “rightist” and “leftist”, there is the middleist.  I am the middleist.  Proudly, unapologetically.

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