Perhaps a hangout for the Ravens?
Today’s Word…Fargo
Fargo — How one feels about the distance to get to North Dakota, especially in winter.
Today’s Word…chirpees
Chirpees — [noun] a canarial disease for which there is no tweetment.
Today’s Word…whimsy
Whimsy, per, can be defined as “an odd or fanciful notion”. Whimsy, in Thelmese, could be defined as “a nod or fancy-full emotion”. In either case, whimsy provides a bit of fun and fluff in a world that can often be far too serious. The Word of the Day can be informative, educational, just plain whimsy, or a combination thereof. (And, of course, there’s the old joke about the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight always being just “a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.”…..)
Today’s Word…yew
Yew — [noun] a type of evergreen tree or shrub; not to be confused with ewe [female sheep] or you [pronoun] the one or ones being addressed or yoo (substitute for you) as in yoohoo. Yoohoo, you who? You ewe? Yew ewe? Whew!!
Today’s Word…maudlin
Maud, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is “a gray and black plaid worn in southern Scotland”. Lin, per, means [noun, Chiefly Scot]. “a waterfall or torrent of rushing water in a river or stream. a pool of water, especially at the foot of a waterfall. a steep ravine or precipice”. Sooo…together, a dark plaid torrent of water. Perhaps akin to a wet blanket? Maudlin, according to the free Dictionary, means “effusively sad or full of self-pity”. Also, perhaps akin to a wet blanket. A bit of a downer, eh? Foot of the waterfall and all….
Today’s Word…arbitrate
Arbitrate — [alternate spelling] — arbi (Arby) fast food franchise; trate (trait) characteristic. Fast food franchise characteristic, such as a drive-through or a logo. Arbitrate.
Today’s Word…trundle
Trundle, per Microsoft search — [verb] to move or cause to move slowly and heavily, typically in a noisy or uneven way. Or, per Wiktionary, — [noun] a low bed on wheels that can be rolled underneath another.
As a child, I always thought a trundle bed would be fun (although I did rather imagine being rolled under the big bed to actually sleep there, which would probably be logistically impossible or, at the very least, uncomfortable). But the wonderful state of childhood allows for such joyous flights into fantasies where all is possible! But now…many years later…I need to trundle myself slowly and heavily (and noisily — “ouch!”, “creak!”) up the stairs to bed.
Today’s Word…hippie/y
“Hippie” can mean to be hip; and “hippy”, to have hips.
While definitions for “hippy” are generally the same, research on definitions of “hippie” vary somewhat. Per a Microsoft search: hippie — “(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs”. Per Merriam-Webster: Hippie — “a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing unconventionally or favoring communal living) and advocates a nonviolent ethic; broadly : a long-haired unconventionally dressed young person”. Per — “a person, especially of the late 1960s, who rejected established institutions and values and sought spontaneity, direct personal relations expressing love, and expanded consciousness, often expressed externally in the wearing of casual, folksy clothing and of beads, headbands, used garments, etc.” As a person who identified with that peace-loving, musical, colorful culture but never took drugs, I especially like the last definition. But, admittedly, I am also hippy.
Today’s word…artifice
Artifice – art (creative beauty), fice (Cockney or Australian pronunciation for “face” which means visage). So…beautiful creative face. Also – artifice, per a Microsoft search, means pertaining to clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others. So…again beautiful creative face — an appealing front. Artifice…