Posted in Word of the Day....Thelmese Fictionary

Today’s Word…twitch

Twitch — a nervous tic (a neurotic bug, as if calm bugs weren’t enough of a problem).
tWitch — Stephen “tWitch” Boss, freestyle hiphop dancer, featured in several movies including the Stomp and Step on Up film; married to dancer Allison Holker with whom he hosts Disney’s Fairytale Weddings; runner up on So You Think You Can Dance (hope it’s back on soon!), and has appeared on Ellen Degeneres’ TV shows.

Posted in Word of the Day....Thelmese Fictionary

Today’s Word…nude

Nude — [adj.] naked, bare, unclothed, skyclad.  Alternate spellings (used by the local high school Academic Challenge team boys) : nood, newd, knood, gnood, newed, noude,  knewd, knewed, noohd,  knude, gnude.   The occasion was big-screen NTN trivia in a sports bar where their coaches, my friends,  gathered them to compete in a weekly tournament as a fun way to practice their craft (about 25 years ago in another lifetime).  Trivia players had to sign in with a “handle” of six letters or less.  These were, of course, teenage boys, so the above choices afforded them a bit of extra entertainment, not to mention the opportunity to embarrass the trivia announcer, who happened to be a young woman.  Her job was to announce winners (pretty much always one of the Academic Challenge kids — intelligent teenage boys, but still…teenage boys) on the microphone to all the onlookers in the restaurant.  One of the young men who won A LOT began to sign in with the handle MYBALZ, for the sheer joy of attempting to embarrass the announcer.  When she had to figure out how to deal with this on the microphone, my friends and I, seeing her pending distress, beckoned her over and suggested the pronunciation of “Mibbles”, rhyming with nibbles and kibbles.  Hah!!  Take that, MYBALZ!!

Posted in Word of the Day....Thelmese Fictionary

Today’s Word…pre-empt

Pre-empt — pre (before); empt [Thelmese] empty/vacant. Today’s Word has been pre-empted because another blog post was pre-empted (an adventure story thwarted by an inadvertent touch of a key which prematurely removed the content of a saved draft). Aaaaaarrrrgggghh!!! Back to the drawing board.

Posted in Word of the Day....Thelmese Fictionary


Microsoft search yields: “Cattywampus is a curious colloquial American word doubling as meaning “diagonal” and “askew”. The etymology is a mongrel. The “diagonal” bit may have been influenced by catty-corner, and wampus could have been southern slang for “flail”, but then there’s a fictional creature called the wampus cat and another called catamount.”

Cattywampus could, if we aren’t careful, result in a category [see Word of the Day from February 11, 2020…..]